[ IV ]   08/05/2017

Worlds highest railway bridge being built in Jammu and Kashmir will be taller than Eiffel Tower.

Chenab Bridge, expected to be ready by 2019, is a railway steel and concrete arch bridge which is under construction between Bakkal and Kauri in the Raesi district of Jammu and Kashmir. Chenab bridge will have the widest span in the Indian broad gauge railway network with a height of 359 m (1,178 ft). The arch length of Chenab bridge is 480 m with an arch span of 467 m.

Source: Worlds highest railway bridge being built in Jammu and Kashmir will be taller than Eiffel Tower


[ III ]   21/08/2016

Also Watch this video made for Konkan Railways

Source: Making of Chenab Aug, 2016


[ II ]   19/02/2016


Of the many large barriers the railway crosses, the most daunting is the wide gorge of the Chenab River. With its headwaters high up in the Himalayan mountain range, the river carved a deep gash that left its elevation more than a 1,000 feet (305 mtrs) below the level of the rail line. The engineers decided the only bridge type suitable for the location would be a massive steel arch – the highest ever built for a railway at 1,056 feet (322 meters) from deck to water. Only an arch is capable of handling the weight of a 300 ton locomotive along with a thousand tons of passenger cars. With a length of 1,532 feet (467 meters), the main span will rank among the world’s 10 longest arches. Although its height will also surpass all of China’s current arch bridges, there are several Chinese railway lines planned that will contain railway bridges that will surpass Chenab in height.
Construction will be done by building the arch outward from both sides of the canyon using the stayed cantilever method. This technique was also used for the similar design of the New River Gorge bridge in West Virginia, U.S.A. The uneven sides of the gorge will result in one side of the arch terminating into the foundation 40 feet (12 meters) higher than the other side.

Source: Youtube Shared Documentary



[ I ]   13/10/2015

Source: AFCONS Documentary